Purpose: This app is used to control CC filtering and remapping.
Latest version: V6
V6 updates
- App now connects on USB port #15 (was port #1).
- The MIDI Port list now shows the user assigned names (same as my MIDIGlobalSetup app).
- Can no longer set CC parameters for non-existing ports (e.g. DIN 9-12 inputs on mioXL).
How to Use
- Connect interface via USB to the computer.
- Click search
- Select interface you want to edit/control
- Click Get Settings
- Make sure Enable is checked
- Select the MIDI port you want to edit.
- Check in or out depending on which direction you want to edit the control of data on.
- Select the Preset with the * after it. This is the Preset you are currently on.
- Use the Save Preset button to save any edits you've made.
You have 8 possible blocks of options you can use for any in or out of any port on the interface. This is much like the filtering and remapping found currently in Auracle X.
Stop filter - This will stop/filter out data that matches the requirements set to the right of the mode.
Pass filter - This will allow all data to flow except the requirements set to the right of the mode
Remap - will remap based on the settings to the right of the mode
- skips to the next mode.
You will see checkboxes for the numbers 1 to 16. These refer to the MIDI channels on that port.
A check means the requirement is enabled.
Controller 1 and controller 2 set will be set to including all numbers between those 2 controller numbers.
ex: controller 1 = 002 Breath and controller 2 = 005 Portamento Time.
If these controller parameters are selected when using a stop or pass filter you will include all controller numbers between them and including them, so the controllers being affected are 002, 003, 004, 005.
If you only want a single controller affected just select the same control number for both controller 1 and 2.
For the remap filter mode the controllers work differently.
For remapping controller 1 is the target and controller 2 is the destination.
ex. If controller 1 is set to 002 (breath) and controller 2 is set to 005 (Portamento Time), any time CC2 is used it will remap to CC5.
Note: The blocks from 1-8 are run in sequence so you can enable multiple processes on any port.
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