Use this app to configure failover for PlayAUDIO1U and later products.
Latest version: V7
How to use:
- Click Search
- Select interface in list
- Click Get Settings
Runtime section
Checkbox which will allow you to select scenes. Click on Scene A or Scene B box below to switch scenes
Arm Failover button will arm the failover if the requirements from the Settings section are met.
Disarm Failover will remove the arm status
Clear Arm will remove the failover notification
Below you will see the current status for each USB DAW port. It'll show status for audio and MIDI working, if the USB has failed and which is set as Master
3 options for getting failover status
Manual: Click the "Get Runtime" button to retrieve failover status from device. Not very useful for anyone but me (for testing).
Poll: Poll the device for failover status. This is equivalent to repeatedly clicking the "Get Runtime" button (but faster than you can possibly do so).
Notify: Use notifications to get failover status. This is similar to polling but the app does not have to send "get status" messages repeatedly to device. Instead, device sends failover status using notification messages.
Settings Section
Failover Mode
- Dual Master (Default value) - When enabled will allow you to failover automatically from Scene A to Scene B when the requirements are met but also from Scene B to Scene A. You can also enable auto arm with the Auto Arm Failover Check box
- Single Master - This is like the PlayAUDIO12 default option. You are able to failover automatically from Scene A to Scene B but it does not return back to Scene A unless you manually change the Scenes or if you have Auto Switch to A enabled.
Trigger Mode
Trigger Mode: how do you want to fail over? Audio, MIDI, Either (which means if either drops, you fail over), or Both (requires both audio and midi to fail).
Audio - Set if you want to trigger the automatic failover with an audio option
-Host Connected - Used to failover only if the computer connected to that USB DAW port get disconnected physically.
- Audio Received - Used if you want the automatic failover to happen if all audio is lost on that Scene / USB DAW port
- Failover Signal (Default)- This mode allows you to set a specific audio channel to watch for audio signal loss. By default this is ch 15 on the PA1U or ch 13 on the PA12. You can change which channel you would like to use. You can change the timeout, which is how long this signal can be lost on this channel before it switches Scenes. The default is 2ms, which is not picked up by the human ear but you can increase this as needed. -
MIDI - Set if you want to trigger the automatic failover with a MIDI option
-Host Connected - Used to failover only if the computer connected to that USB DAW port get disconnected physically.
- MIDI Received (Default) - Used if you want the automatic failover to happen if all MIDI is lost on that Scene / USB DAW port. You can set a timeout number for this which is how long MIDI should be lost before switching scenes
- Failover Signal - This mode allows you to set a specific audio channel to watch for audio signal loss. By default this is port 1. You can change which port you would like to use. You can change the timeout, which is how long this signal can be lost on this channel before it switches Scenes. The default is 100ms.
Audio or MIDI - This mode will do the automatica failover if either the audio or MIDI requirements are met. If audio fails it will failover and if MIDI fails it will failover. Only 1 option (audio or MIDI) needs to fail for switchover.
- Audio and MIDI - This mode requires both audio and MIDI requirements to be met before it will failover.
Tone Check is our system to avoid extreme loud audio to burst through the PlayAUDIO1U due to possible corrupt data.
Check the Tone Check box it enable this feature. By default this is enabled on firmware 1.1.0 and higher for the PA1U.
Use the slider to the right of the Tone to set the threshold for max vol before this option is engaged. You can set from -64 to 0db. This feature specifically looks at the "tone" track, ch 15 on the PA1U.
When the threshold is met the tone check feature will be engaged. When engaged you will hav the back 12 outputs muted and you will see this indicate by Xs on the audio views of the front panel, in Auracle X with mute (red) enabled and with alternating red flashing LEDS on the front of the PA1U in the audio LED section.
To unmute double click the headphone (small) knob on the front of the PA1U.
Note: All the requirements that were met to engage should be removed. You may need to lower your tone track or LifeSine volume or close the option making the noise.
If this was engaged due to possible white noise, you should look into replacing your USB cables and restarting the device.
V6 notes:
Added a row at bottom of app for Tone Check checkbox and Tone Maximum Volume setting. These are used for the new feature that checks the tone channel for extremely loud white noise so firmware can mute line outs.
V5 notes:
Increased the timeout when saving presets to avoid an incorrect error message.
V4 notes:
Needed some tweaks to work with PlayAudio1U. No functional changes.
This app only works over USB now and connects to device on MIDI port #5. Several of my apps work this way now so that multiple apps can be run at the same time without clobbering each other. The version # and port # appear in the top right corner.
The FailoverSetup app has the following differences (compared to PA12 Advanced Settings app):
Failover settings are stored per-preset, not globally, so you can try out different settings and easily switch between them.
PA12 would automatically clear the alarm flag whenever the system was armed. I'm not sure why that is. I'll demonstrate in the videos some use cases where that is not a good idea. I've added a new checkbox "Auto Clear Alarm" that will automatically clear the alarm flag whenever the system is armed so that the system behaves the same as PA12.
There is a new combox box to select Failover Mode. Single Master is what PA12 uses. Dual Master is a new mode. I'll demonstrate those modes in the videos.
The MIDI Panic message setup is not included in the FailoverSetup app. There is a checkbox to enable sending the MIDI Panic messages (because that can be enabled/disabled per-preset) but the MIDI Panic message setup is a global setting. You'll need to use my MIDIPanicSetup app to configure which MIDI messages to send, which MIDI channels to use, and which MIDI ports will send the messages. I figured most people will probably want to send all MIDI messages on all channels to all ports all the time since that is the safest way to stop stuck notes so that's why I made it a global setting. If you want to be able to configure the MIDI Panic messages on a per-preset level, let me know and I can change it from global to preset. Best to change that now rather than later.
FailoverSetup has a "Poll" checkbox, you'll want to keep this checked. Sometimes I need to be able to turn polling off when debugging. If you don't have it checked the app will not give you realtime updates on the failover status.
V2 of app has a "Notify" checkbox, you can use that instead of "Poll" to get realtime updates on failover status using notification messages.
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