Mac version of MIDIPanicSetup app. Use this app to configure the MIDI Panic message for mioXM/mioXL and to send MIDI Panic messages. You need firmware 1.4.0b8 or higher to use this.
Latest version: V7
This app only works over USB now and connects to port 8.
All settings used by this app are global, be sure to click the Save Settings button after making changes so you don't lose them after rebooting the interface. All setting changes are sent immediately to the interface. The Show MIDI Messages checkbox allows you to see the sysex messages sent between this app and mioXL/XM, you can also see the MIDI Panic messages sent to the Mac (but only on USB port 1 which is what this app uses to communicate with the interface).
Background Info:
Background Info:
There is no such thing as a MIDI Panic message (there should be, but there isn't). The only solution is to string together several standard MIDI messages and send them to all ports. Sadly, these standard MIDI messages are all "channel messages" so you have to send the same message on all 16 MIDI channels. There are 4 standard MIDI messages that do a good "shut up" job on gear. So that means for each MIDI port there are 4x16=64 MIDI messages comprising one "MIDI Panic" message. That takes 64 ms for a DIN port. USB can have 16 MIDI ports which adds up to 16x64=1024 MIDI messages, but that takes only 7 ms (according to MIDIMonitor on Mac). The MIDIPanicSetup app allows you to customize the MIDI Panic message so that you can send fewer messages and specify which MIDI ports to use.
How to use
1. Click the Search button to find any mioXM/mioXL connected to your computer.
2. Select the interface in the list then click the Get Settings button.
3. The Enable Panel checkbox is used to enable/disable sending MIDI Panic messages using a double-tap on the USB-DAW cap-touch/LED. Factory default is ON, use this to disable MIDI Panic from front panel if you don't want to use it. When MIDI Panic is initiated the display goes into "ambulance mode" for 1 second so you know that MIDI Panic messages were sent.
4. The Enable Preset checkbox is used to automatically send MIDI Panic messages whenever loading a new preset. Factory default is OFF. When this is enabled the display (LEDs and OLED) do not go into "ambulance mode" for 1 second but you can see MIDI activity on the LEDs and OLED.
5. The Enable Scene checkbox is used to automatically send MIDI Panic messages whenever scene changes happen. This is not applicable to mioXL/XM but will be for future products that support failover. THIS HAS BEEN REMOVED IN V3.
6. Below the enable checkboxes are 16 MIDI channel checkboxes that are used to select which MIDI channels will be used for the MIDI Panic messages. These are all selected by default.
7. Below that are four checkboxes for selecting which standard MIDI messages will be used for the MIDI Panic messages: Sustain Pedal Off, All Sound Off, Reset Controls, All Notes Off, Pitch Bend Off. These are all selected by default.
8. The lower left of the screen is used to select which MIDI ports will send MIDI Panic messages. The MIDI Output Port combo box displays all the MIDI output ports for the interface. If a MIDI output port is selected to send MIDI Panic messages it will have a * at the beginning of its name and the Route Panic Messages to this Port checkbox will be checked when the MIDI output port is selected in the combo box. Use the Route Panic Messages to this Port checkbox to enable/disable routing MIDI Panic messages to the selected port.
9. The Send Panic Messages button sends a sysex message to the interface which causes it to send MIDI Panic messages, same as a double-tap on the USB-DAW cap-touch/LED, and the display will go into "ambulance mode" for 1 second.
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