Mac version of app for configuring the OLED on PlayAUDIO1U and mioXL.
Current version: V1
This app connects to interface over USB on MIDI port #1. This app is very simple, see below for additional notes.
- Set OLED parameters (e.g. brightness)
- Enable display sleep (simple screensaver)
This app has the standard controls that all our apps have: Search button, MIDI message log, Get Settings and Save Settings buttons.
When the app starts up you'll see both Brightness and Contrast controls but the Contrast control will disappear once you get the parameters from the device. OLED documentation refers to a contrast parameter but this is actually brightness. I suspect this is because the driver chip inside the OLED is often used for LCDs and those use a contrast control. I'm sure you've got gear with LCDs that look good "from one angle only" and you have to constantly fiddle with the contrast control to be able to read the LCD from other angles. OLEDs don't have that problem; they look great from any angle.
The Invert Display button will invert the display, no surprise there. Not sure if anyone will actually want to do that, but the OLED supports it.
The Display Sleep slider is used to set the time out for display sleep from 1 to 127 minutes. Use 0 to never sleep. If no activity occurs within this time then the display will go to sleep. You can wake the display (or prevent it from going to sleep) in three ways:
The Invert Display button will invert the display, no surprise there. Not sure if anyone will actually want to do that, but the OLED supports it.
The Display Sleep slider is used to set the time out for display sleep from 1 to 127 minutes. Use 0 to never sleep. If no activity occurs within this time then the display will go to sleep. You can wake the display (or prevent it from going to sleep) in three ways:
- Fiddle with any of the front panel UI items (encoders, cap-touch). This cannot be disabled.
- Send MIDI data to the box (you must select Wake on MIDI for this to work). Note that this works for any MIDI data because all MIDI inputs are sampled before any filtering takes place. So even if you are filtering out Active Sense data the display will still wake up if any Active Sense data is received. Same goes for all those sysex messages sent by Auracle and any of my apps. Those sysex messages are filtered out which is why you don't see any MIDI activity on the OLED for them. I can change this so that Wake on MIDI works after filtering but I tested both and I believe it worked better this way (pre-filter) rather than (post-filter).
- Send audio data to the box over USB (you must select Wake on Audio for this work). I don't know how various DAWs work, but when you hit PAUSE in iTunes the Mac will continue to stream zeros (digital silence) for several seconds even after it stops streaming the audio file.
These are all GLOBAL settings.
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