Mac version of app for setting MIDI global parameters that are not included in my other apps (mostly MIDI port names and the global MIDI route map). This app also demonstrates using the Reset commands to set global MIDI parameters to the factory default values.
Current version: V2
This app requires:
- PA1U firmware 1.0.6b1 or higher.
- mioXL/XM firmware 2.2.2b1 or higher.
Firmware has many more MIDI global parameters than this app uses. I didn't try to roll all of those apps into one super-app so you will need to use this app with the following to set all the MIDI globals:
- MIDIMonitorSetup to configure which MIDI events are displayed on OLED, their icons and priority.
- MIDIPanicSetup to configure which MIDI messages are sent to which ports when MIDI panic is activated.
- PresetSelectorSetup to configure MIDI controls for changing presets, scenes and mixer snapshots.
- RTPMIDISetup to configure RTP-MIDI sessions.
- USBHostSetup to configure USB MIDI hosting.
Connect PA1U/mioXL/mioXM to computer, click Search button, select your interface in the list and then click Get Settings. Click Save Settings to save globals to FLASH.
The Port combobox shows all the MIDI ports in the device. The ports in the combobox use the following naming scheme:
- port number
- hyphen
- hardware identifier (not editable)
- [in] followed by user name (editable) for input port
- [out] followed by user name (editable) for output port
Note that some ports do not have both in and out (e.g. mioXL DIN ports 9-12 and the internal Control port on all products). For products with more than one USB device port I'm using an "A" or "B" in the hardware identifier to differentiate between the two ports similar to how we are now calling these ports "DAW A" and "DAW B" on the front panel.
Select a port then use the controls below to edit the port.
- Enable checkbox allows enabling/disabling the port. I'm not certain why this exists, possibly for debugging purposes: if you had a malfunctioning DIN port or wanted to figure out where some egregious MIDI data was coming from you could temporarily disable ports to see which are to blame.
- In Name, Out Name are the MIDI port names accessible via sysex only. Typically you'd use these to indicate what gear you've got connected to your DIN jacks and/or the routing.
- For USB device ports there are USB In Name and USB Out Name fields which are used for the port names in the USB descriptor. These are the names you will see on your Mac. You probably will want these to match the In Name and Out Name fields but they are separate parameters so they can be different. Remember when changing these you have to disconnect the interface from computer, delete the interface from Audio MIDI Setup, then reconnect the interface to computer to see the new names.
- For RTP-MIDI ports there is a Session Name field. Sessions do not support separate names for "in" and "out". I suspect you'd probably want to set the session name when configuring the other RTP-MIDI parameters using my RTPMIDISetup app, but I thought it might be useful to be able to set the session name with all the other MIDI port names so that's why I put it in this app as well.
- The Global Route section, along with the listbox on the right side, are used to set the global MIDI route for the selected port. My favourite way to configure MIDI routing is with a 2D grid (inputs along the top, outputs along the right side) but that would have been a lot of work to figure out. So instead I have In and Out checkboxes to select either a column or row in the 2D grid, respectively. Selecting In shows all the outputs (in the listbox along the right side) that are connected to the selected port. Selecting Out shows all the inputs that are connected to the selected port. I believe Auracle only allows selecting an input and showing the outputs that are connected. I find it very useful to be able to select an output port (e.g. a sound module connected to DIN12 on a mioXL) and seeing everything that can drive that sound module without having to click on every input port. You may want to add this capability to Auracle.
- The Select All and Select None buttons are used to quickly select all the ports (or none) in the listbox, respectively.
Firmware also supports special commands to reset large numbers of parameters quickly and easily.
- Enable All MIDI Ports is a quick way to check the Enable checkbox on all MIDI ports without having to manually select each port. Firmware defaults to having all ports enabled but if you were fiddling about with the Enable checkbox and weren't sure if you left some unchecked, this is your friend.
- Reset All Names resets all the MIDI port and USB device port names to the factory defaults. Note that this does not reset RTP-MIDI session names, those are reset using a different command that I will add to my RTPMIDISetup app.
- Clear All Global Routes does exactly what it says. A much quicker alternative than having to select each MIDI port and clicking the Select None button for each of them (64 MIDI ports on PA1U).
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